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Andrew Veloza


About Me

Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1985

2005 - 2006 The International Academy of Design & Technology

Studied Video Game Design


Here is some info about myself...


You see, I come from the net. Through systems, peoples and cities to this place: Mainframe. My format: Guardian, to mend and defend... wait a minute... that is the plot to Reboot. So sorry, let me start over.


My name is Andrew I am an uber geek artist from Toronto! Art has always been a part of my life. I went from tracing everything I could and passing it off as pure skill! (I was 6!) To becoming vary skilled at copying images detail for detail and then last but not least, creating my own images. Living in the era that I do eventually sent me on the path to 3D modeling and I am loving it!. By no means am I an expert (and man do I have lots to learn still) I am still able to create stunning 3D meshes thanks to the attention to detail that I picked up as youngling copying all those images. I love doing what I do and hope that one day I can do it for a living, sadly I am not there yet.
I do not really have a company of my own. If someone would like some work done please use the info in the contact section and drop me a line. I would be more then happy to oblige. (Rates will be determined based on type/size of task). Not only do I hope that this site will find me some quick work to do but I also hope it will serve a great way to showcase my work and maybe catch someone's eye.

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